1,000,000 streams on Spotify!

18th of April, 2018 – The day I hit 1,000,000 streams on Spotify! It still sounds crazy to me and I can not believe it’s really happening. I’m producing music for almost one year and I did not expect to have this kind of achievement within such a short period of time.

All I can say is that hard work really does pay off. The main thing in composing music is to work hard, enjoy the process and release as many great tracks as possible. And of course, you ought to have a good marketing strategy and branding along with your story, so people can identify with you. I know that art shouldn’t be about promotion etc… but let’s admit it, we live in the 21st century and if you want people to see your stuff, you simply need to get closer to them. And I think this goes with everything, not only music, you can be a great painter, sculptor, vlogger or any kind of creative person, but if you don’t know how to get the attention, you won’t succeed.

I believe that first of all you need to find out what it is, that describes you; what you enjoy doing and are good at. I started doing music because I felt like it’s something inside of me that needs to be put out. I felt like it’s something my soul wants to share. I didn’t start because I like music (which I do!) or because I want to become popular or something. I started doing music because I had to – literally. I felt such a big and distinctive need of coming up with my own melody, that one day I took all the courage I found and just started. You can always cut it off, if it’s not what you are looking for, but you should try as many activities in as many areas as you can in order to find that one, that gets you. And trust me, when you find it, you’ll know it.

I found music and it’s one of the best things that has ever happened to me. Waking up and knowing what I want to do feels like my life suddenly has a meaning. It feels like I contribute to the world with something. And I never want to let go.

For the last year, I was trying my best. And I got a looooot of support from new people who came to me, checked out my tracks and wrote me some beautiful messages. Thank you, to each one of you who believes in my work and who supports me in any way. I appreciate it, I want to share my melodies with you and I promise I will never stop doing it, because music is my life. THANKS!