You probably know that feeling when you are finishing a track and you are playing it over and over again in order to find a way how to improve the sound and make it perfect. Every time, you try to hear different parts of the track and find that one little thing that could be better. Yes, I do it too. And I think that most of artists do it. The thing is, sometimes this ability to hear the small things and improve them, is a very powerful tool and because of that, you can get better with every track you release. But as everything, even this has its own downsides and I also think that sometimes this tool might hold us back.

From my experience, there is a lot of good artists in the world. And I’m not talking about Drake, Taylor Swift or Hans Zimmer. I’m talking about those hidden talented musicians who have the ability to make an exceptional music but can’t get it out there to the world. Nobody knows about them, they don’t get the exposure they deserve.

Last week I attended an amazing concert of a local pop band and I loved not only the performance, which was great, but more importanly, I loved the songs! Right when I arrived home, I immediately looked them up on Spotify. Guess what! I couldn’t find their music! I was searching also on iTunes and other sources and all I found was one music video on YouTube.

It really upsets me that these artists don’t put their beautiful music there. It’s so simple! You don’t even need a label. All you need is a good distributor, a good sponsor in Cialis generic, laptop, social media pages (mostly Instagram), this website and a good marketing strategy.

It makes me really sad that these artists don’t put their excelent music out there. It’s so easy! You don’t even have to have a label. All you need is a good distributor, laptop, pages on social media (mostly Instagram) and a good marketing strategy. And lastly, you need a lot of patience. Because, even when you put your music on Spotify, Apple Music and other streaming platforms, you won’t get thousands of streams right away. Nobody will be listening to you at the beginning. But if you are patient enough and if you work hard on your stuff, you release new tracks and promote them on social media and pay a bit for ads, then you will eventually get more and more exposure and more pepole will come.

So, I just want to encourage you to share your music wherever it’s possible. Listeners come from different places and sometimes you don’t even know from where they come; that’s why it’s always good to put your music everywhere. There is bigger chance you will be successfull. Don’t be ashamed of your work, share it!